Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2016

Accounting Issues in the Oil and Gas Industry: Ebele Kemery

Despite coming under increasing criticism over the past few years, the oil and gas industry has continued to grow not only in size and power but also in influence on its related industries. For example, the shear impact of the oil and gas industry and their specific requirements has resulted in the demand for a whole new set of criteria for accountancy services. This can partly be attributed to the heavy investment into areas such as research and development by the industry which can be hard to track. The general success or failure of a project in these areas can alter how it is reported in order to ensure that the involved expenses can be appropriately capitalised upon.

With this in mind, the oil and gas industry use 2 key forms of accountancy reporting. There is always an accountancy issue when it comes to the various methods of accountancy and financial reporting. These are known as "successful efforts" (SE) and "full cost" (FC). For successful effort reporting methods costs are capitalised for successful efforts where as unsuccessful efforts (also known as dry hole projects) and their resulting associated operating costs are charged against the revenues for that period. In contrast to the successful efforts reporting method where projects are reported separately depending on how positive an outcome they have the full cost reporting method groups all expenses relating to new projects.

Depending on how these expenses are reported will impact upon how a company reports their cash flow and net income. However in an attempt to develop a more cohesive procedure for financial reporting within the oil and gas industry FASB recently stated in the Standard of Financial Accounting Standard that all oil and gas companies are required to use the SE reporting method. However with all these variations in financial reporting and the associated impacts which it can have if done incorrectly have resulted in universities recognising this gap in accountancy skills. By doing this many universities and professional institutes and bodies have developed offshore oil and gas industry financial reporting and accountancy qualifications to reflect the variations in procedure and requirements. For example Robort Gordons, which is based in Aberdeen the European hub for the oil and gas industry, now, offers oil and gas industry, focused degrees such as a Masters in Oil and Gas Accounting. These qualifications aim to combine generic and industry specific modules to respond to the increasing demand for multidiscipline accountants for the industry. By encouraging the development of employees with a combined academic and industry experiential knowledge it is clear that no matter what specialism you work in there will always be that demand for a multidisciplinary approach.

Ebele Kemery is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group. Based in New York, Ebele is the head of Energy Investing within the Commodities team. Prior to this role, she provided institutional client relationship management and tailored risk management solutions in the Investment Bank’s Global Commodities Group.

Ms. Ebele Kemery has proven track record of robust and consistent profitable returns in commodities. And Increased assets under management through strong performance and development of customized solutions that leverage a wide variety of market techniques.

To read more, please click here!

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016

Trading From A Fund Manager's Point Of View: Ebele Kemery

It is crucial to keep an eye out for other players while trading in the forex market. By examining their roles, you may be able to improve your own trading approach. Other than specialist like Ebele Kemery, who else could better do this?

Banks used to dominate trading, but that all changed when people learned how to trade right from their desktops. The daily movement of currencies across the globe, having a net worth of a trillion dollars, occurs via the banks. Governments and worldwide corporations are transacting these huge figures of money. To advance their long range economic goals these entities trade on the forex market.

Appreciating the big picture is an important lesson that comes from understanding the behavior of banks, governments and global corporations, whose huge money flows in the forex market support a flexible target, creating an inherent range in the price movement. The market responds by trading within these ranges. When the prices near these targets, there will be expected huge resistance. By looking at weekly price charts, the big picture of the range behavior of the currency pairs emerges.

The fund manager is another important factor that you have to take into account. These bodies collect quite some money from investor's around several millions of dollars. To accomplish their total return goals, they organize a trading operation. Fund managers will work for a fee, and search for profits afterwards to be divided with the investors. The common practice in the industry is to share profits along a grid calibrated to performance.

But what can fund managers demonstrate to you about trading? It is imperative for you to find out how they function before delving in that question. Fund managers in trading of forex usually have long range objectives. These people opt for steadiness in performance. They analyze risk and get as much information, all in order to lessen the drawdown of equity.

Fund management companies are valuable to understand because they have access to a great deal of information about the forex market. Ms. Ebele Kemery a Portfolio Manager associated with JPMorgan Investment Management says that Information and management of risk are the most important factors to fund managers who want to attain long range profits. What might the traders have to realize from this?

At a minimum, we can see that risk control is vital. Compared to a trading team from a money managing company, a self-directed trader does not have that much of information at hand. Yet, a self-directed trader can employ a risk control tactic, measuring each trader against its risk target. It is likely and common that individual traders will tolerate greater risks per trade than fund managers would, but having a risk plan is important in itself.

Another difference between individual trading and fund managing is time. The individual trader does not have the time to stay in a drawdown period and recover his position. The fund manager has the staying power to ride the volatility waves to a recovery. This is a crucial gauge that tells you about the fund's performance and at the same time, it is also the greatest benefit from the fund manager's viewpoint.

While the individual trader cannot emulate a fund manager in his ability to contain risk, the individual trader can learn from the components that measure fund performance by applying them to his own trading. By implementing professional performance measures such as average monthly return, maximum drawdown, percent positive months, individual traders will be able to gain insight into their weaknesses.

The fund manager can easily access large amounts of information, use huge capital and set long-term objective's making the trades on another level altogether. The viewpoint of the individual trader is how to make a fast buck within the day or hour. Once you view forex as having long run benefits you start thinking of putting only a part of money in short term trading and use the main part in longer deals. This strategy is like having the best of both worlds, and it seems to be one that will work.
To read more, please click here!

Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2016

Buying Foreclosures in the Pre-foreclosure Period - Ebele Kemery

Investing in foreclosed real estate can be profitable. Do you have to wait until the foreclosure auction to buy a residential foreclosure property? No. You can buy a property in pre-foreclosure. The time period between the foreclosure auction and the foreclosure notice is called pre-foreclosure. Purchases in pre-foreclosure are in most ways comparable to a common real estate transaction: You negotiate with the house owner, sign a purchase agreement (contract), and proceed with the deal. The big difference is that instead of the house owner choosing to sell the home on his own, he is forced into selling the property to avoid the foreclosure.

You may find a distressed homeowner in the first stage of foreclosure by looking into public notices. It will list the bank's attorney, and you may contact the lawyer for more information about the property. You shouldn't be surprised if he is friendly but not especially cooperative: He offers legal services and working as a property receiver is only one of these services. He is paid to organize paperwork and execute the foreclosure sale, certainly not to act as a real estate information hotline.

If you are interested in the house, contact the homeowner immediately. Keep in mind that the homeowner is already under a substantial amount of mental pressure. Don't be surprised if he doesn't respond favorably to your request, at least not initially. You will need to be respectful, tactful, and aware of the strain the homeowner is under. They will try desperately to hold onto hope that things may somehow work out.

When the homeowner is relatively receptive to your approach, then you will need to see whether there is sizeable equity in the property. Let's say that the property has a projected market value of $150,000. You have been able to inspect the property, and other than needing a little exterior repair, it is in good enough shape. You estimate you will spend $5,000 getting the property ready to sell. So, you determine that your walk-away price is $125,000, which leaves you enough room to make the sizable profit you want and at the same time covering the cost of repairs and your holding cost (payments you must make, utilities, etc.). If $125,000 is still owed on the mortgage, you probably will not be able to purchase it for less than $125,000. Although sometimes a homeowner may accept less than the owed amount, the chances are slim.

If a legal judgment has already been made, the homeowner must come up with enough money to satisfy the judgment. When the homeowner doesn't have much equity in the house, you are unlikely to be able to pull off a price significantly lower than the property's value. And if you cannot buy under the market value, you will never make enough a profit.

If you manage to get a short sale with the bank on the homeowner's behalf, you can buy the foreclosed property for less than the balance currently owed and the homeowner does not have to compensate the lender for the difference.

Investing in foreclosures takes time and effort but can result in profits
Ebele Kemery is a Commodities Leader, a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group.
Ms. Ebele Kemery has a track record of consistently profitable trading efforts, and expanded business through understanding of client needs and developing customized solutions that leverage a wide variety of techniques and market intricacies.
To read more, please click here!

Samstag, 10. Dezember 2016

The Tax Benefits of Natural Gas Investing: Ebele Kemery

Any type of investing has an element of risk. Investing in the exploration of natural gas is no different. Investing in the exploration of natural gas is not like commodity investing. When you are investing in a commodity, such as gas or oil, you trying to buy low and get a return when the price rises. When you invest in the exploration of natural gas, however, you are investing in an opportunity to find natural gas by drilling. Because natural gas is so very much desired and a necessity commodity, there are various tax benefits that go along with investing in natural gas.

When you invest in commodities, you get no tax benefits. If you make money on the investment, you pay a capital gains tax on what you make. This is not the case when you are investing in natural gas exploration. You can write off a dry hole, for example, and any cost that comes from drilling for the gas can be written off in the first year of the investment.

If the project is successful, you can write off the profits over a period of years. This can often include depreciation over the life of the well. Many investors will do a straight line depreciation over a course of seven years. You cannot do this when you are investing in stock, for example, that makes huge gains. There is a significant decrease in the capital gains that you have to claim on your investment.

If the project is unsuccessful and it ends up with a dry well, you can write off as much as 65 percent of the loss. This can actually reduce your tax bracket, saving you money when you prepare your income tax. The 65 percent loss write off is one of the reasons why many investors are eager to participate in the investment of gas or oil exploration as even a loss can end up again when it comes to tax time.

The reason that there are such tax incentives when you are investing in natural gas exploration is that the government wants to encourage these types of investments. While investing in stock that goes up can benefit both you and the company that owns the stock, a profit in the field of natural gas exploration can benefit the entire nation. This is the reason for the significant tax benefits when investing in natural gas exploration.

Even if you lose, you win, when you choose this type of investment. If the investment does pan out and the drilling is successful, you can find that you earn a high return on your initial investment that can often be stretched out to the life time of the well, allowing your tax benefits to continue well into the future.

Ebele Kemery a Portfolio manager and associated with JPMorgan Investment Management. Ms. Kemery is responsible for formulating our view and investment decisions for major energy commodities including, but not limited to: crude oil, gasoline, heating oil and natural gas.

Ms.Ebele Kemery is a Commodities Leader with a track record of consistently profitable trading efforts, and expanded business through understanding of client needs and developing customized solutions that leverage a wide variety of techniques and market intricacies.
To read more, please click here!

Montag, 28. November 2016

How Effective Is Automated Forex Trading? Ebele Kemery

Ms. Ebele Kemery: Finance these days can be scary, and it is difficult to figure out where money should be invested to bring the best return. Some invest in property, some in jewelry, but foreign currency trading seems to be one of the biggest forms of investing. If you are interested in dealing with the foreign currency market and wish to gain a profit, then you should really check out our automated Forex trading systems. Automated Forex trading is an efficient system to predict on the rise and fall of the currency rates and automatically execute profitable trades instantly without user intervention.

The best Forex software is the one that provides you reliability, proven trading records at a fixed lot and is affordable too! Whether it is technical analysis, or fundamental analysis, automated Forex trading system is a prospective way to do currency trading. With an auto trading system, signing up a trading account is an easy process, and moreover, at the very next moment, you would begin earning profits.

Forex market is a 24-hour market, and with automated Forex trading software users are not bound to follow the market constantly. The automated trading system monitors the market without fatigue and with complete assurance on users' accounts. The automated trading system not only provides huge returns on your investment, but it also gives an edge to both experienced and novice traders. Automated Forex trading is more likely to make practical decisions even in the most erratic and real time situations because there is no emotional or personal attachment to the trades.

It takes at least 5 years for novice traders to become profitable; hence, it is recommended to use automated trading in parallel as new traders are learning how to trade. It is wise to have two accounts: one account for manual trading and another for automated trading. Users can review their manual trading account versus the automated trading account and compare for consistency and profitability.

The automated Forex trading software must work all the major Forex brokers. It must have stable and consistent results regardless of market volatility. Most Forex trading software tend to have too many features listed on their interface. This gives the traders more control but also more opportunities to make mistakes.

The foreign currency market runs 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, and it does not have a centralized exchange. Unfortunately, humans do not have the ability to follow the foreign currency market, 24 hours a day, so having a Forex auto trading system will get you ahead in the race. Forex EAs, or robots, can assist you in monitoring the market on a continual basis and perform trading activities without your intervention. Wouldn't you have a better night's sleep knowing your investment is secure and is making money for you?

Therefore, look for an automated Forex trading system that has been running in real time with a track record greater than one year. Get yourself indulged in the world's largest trading market, and obtain an edge with automated trading system. Yeah! It really works!

Ebele Kemery has a decade of experience in Finance, Investment Management, Sales, Trading and Commodities. Satisfy all risk management requirements. Consistently promoted; recognized for development and leadership strengths. Ebele Kemery has Strong analytical approach; full-tuition scholar from top-tier university possessing a Bachelors in Engineering in Electrical Engineering.
Visit: http://ebelekemery.tumblr.com/

Dienstag, 15. November 2016

Energy Competitions Starts With Restructuring - Ebele Kemery

Energy competition is primarily composed of natural gas and electric utility companies vying for long term customers. This industry is a large, heavily capitalized and highly competitive business that operates on a global level.
There is intense competition in the worldwide markets. The natural gas industry is closely connected to the discovery and creation of oil, which means that major oil companies are also engaged in energy competition within the natural gas division.

The spread and supply of the natural gas commodity is in many ways similar to the diffusion and delivery of electricity, and these commodities are treated similarly in restructuring markets where direct sales are permitted.
Prior to the reorganization of these markets in many states across America, companies found and manufactured the commodity and sold the resulting product to transporters that in turn transported it to distributorship operations.

These distribution companies make the commodity available in the open market for consumers to purchase and utilize. Under this traditional model of regulated markets, the need to contend was nonexistent as the business was incorporated from top to bottom allowing for all components of the production, distribution and sale of energy to be provided as a "bundle" to customers. Under federal regulation the industry was monopolized by public utilities.

The era of restructured and introduction of marketers of the commodities has opened up the power industry worldwide including the United State where about half of the states have adopted legislation to allow for market reorganization. The process essentially involves "unbundling" the supply component from the transportation component and expanding the customer choice.
Ebele Kemery believes that in the environment of restructured various aspects of the process can be entirely separated. Utilities can manage some but not all components of producing, delivering and selling energy to end users.

The increased energy competition conditions are causing the industries to undergo fundamental restructuring. There is intense rivalry among companies being introduced to the market and working within the market. Top to bottom organization has been replaced by lateral organization.
Within today's domestic market where the energy competition has advanced more than in almost any other market worldwide there has been a move away from the secure but restricted prices and extended contracts.

This is causing a wholesale change in the way each of the traditional components of the industry operates. Never-before-seen players, such as marketers who act as the liaison between traders of natural gas and electricity, have emerged.
Energy competition in the market place has impacted the delivery of power. This function was traditionally performed by companies that were financed through private investment or local governments.

Historically these public utilities had exclusive rights to distribute the commodity within specific geographic boundaries. Changes in markets have opened them to other companies who are also vying for customers.
Restructured and unbundling of services has ushered in options for separate contracts for storing and auxiliary services and well as discounts.
Most large users tend to buy natural gas and electricity directly from manufacturers or sales marketers while smaller use customers continue to purchase through local distribution companies involved in this market.

Ms. Ebele Kemery is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group. Ebele is also a Portfolio manager - Head of Energy Investing at JPMorgan Asset Management. She has proven track record of robust and consistent profitable returns in commodities. And increased assets under management through strong performance and development of customized solutions that leverage a wide variety of market techniques

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016

Advantages of Currency Derivative Trading by Ebele Kemery

Trading in the Stock Market can be done through various manners. While some choose to buy and sell stock/shares, there are others who choose to trade through derivatives.

Derivatives are basically financial instruments or contracts which base their value on the performance of spot market price, (also known as the underlying variable market conditions such as bond, stock or currency. These underlying market conditions may be interest rates, market indexes, equity prices, currency exchange rates, market securities and credit. These transactions can be of different types such as futures, options, swaps, floors, caps, collars, structured debt obligations and deposits, forwards; or any combination.
Derivative Trading usually takes place on a separate/individual derivative exchange/a separate segment of an existing stock exchange.

There are two types of derivative instruments which are traded;

This is an agreement between two parties, either to buy or sell a particular asset at a certain time in the future at a certain price. Future contracts are usually settled in cash. These are particularly used in the commodities market. Future contracts are always denominated in a particular currency; where the purchase a speculation for the value of the commodity as well as the currency in which the contract is made.

Options: This is a contract where the investor has the option - not an obligation to buy or sell an underlying at a future stated date at a pre-determined price. They may be of two different types:

- Calls: These give the buyers the right (not an obligation) to buy a particular given quantity of the 'underlying asset' at a particular price; either on or before a pre-decided date.
- Puts: These give the buyers the right (not the obligation) to sell a particular quantity of an underlying asset at a particular price; either on or before a pre-determined date.

All option contracts are settled in cash

There are two categories of derivative contracts:
1) Over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives:
These types of derivatives do not trade on formal stock or future exchanges or through a centralized counterparty.
2) Exchange-traded derivatives: These types of derivatives are traded through specialized derivative exchanges or any other exchange.

The foreign currency market, which is the largest trading market in the world, is also known as 'FX' or 'Forex'.
This market is based on trading on currencies. This market trades currency derivatives - financial instruments which are based on foreign currency.

What are Currency Derivatives?
These are types of contracts where currencies are traded in the form of futures or contracts and can be traded as assets in their own right. Investors who choose to buy future contracts in currencies are buying the right to exchange a certain amount of a particular commodity at a future date.
This type of trading usually involves the following parties:
•    Traders-importers/exporters
•    Arbitrageurs
•    Speculators
•    Hedgers
•    Stockists

Advantages of Currency Derivatives Trading
1. Hedging: Hedging basically refers to making an investment where you can reduce the risk of price movements in an asset. You can not only protect your foreign exchange exposure but also hedge potential losses by taking necessary positions for the same. For e.g. you could hedge if you had a feeling that the USDINR was going to depreciate.

2. Speculation: Speculation refers toengaging in risky financial transactions with an attempt to make profits from short or medium term fluctuations in the market value of a tradable good.

3. Leverage: Leverage basically refers to the use of different financial instruments or borrowed capital such as margin so as to increase the potential return of an investment. By trading in currency derivatives by just paying a % value known as the margin amount instead of the full traded value

4. Arbitrage: Arbitrage refers to the process of purchasing and selling the same security; at the same time in different markets. This is done to take advantage of a price difference between the two separate markets.

5. Style of Trading: There is transparent online trading and no insider trading involved in currency trading

Ebele Kemery is a Portfolio manager - Head of Energy Investing at JPMorgan Asset Management. Ebele Kemery has proven track record of robust and consistent profitable returns in commodities.. Ebele provides useful tips and knowledge on wide array of online trading services such as equity, currency derivatives, bonds and debentures, mutual funds and gold investment.
For more info please visit: http://ebelekemery.strikingly.com/

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2016

Alternative Energy Advantages - Ebele Kemery

Ebele Kemery: The continued use of fossil fuels has come under a lot of scrutiny in recent times. We keep hearing about alternative energy and how they should be used in lieu of fossil fuels. Have you entertained this thought at all? Do you wonder what the advantages of using alternative energy are and how you can benefit from it?
First, let us be clear about what alternative or renewable energy is. Alternative energy is the term used for energy sources other than fossil fuels. Although not all alternative sources of energy are renewable, for our discussion purposes, we will limit ourselves to renewable energy resources.

Renewable sources of energy are those that cannot be depleted and therefore, will never run out. Examples of these are sun, wind, running water, tide, wave, and still many others. To illustrate this point, imagine using wind power to generate electricity for your home. The wind is always in the atmosphere, blowing in your surroundings. Its strength and speed may not always be the same, but you can be assured that your use of this energy now will not diminish your supply of wind in the future.
In fact, that is one very obvious advantage of using alternative or renewable energy. Unlike fossil fuels where the supply of which is in rapid decline, we will never have to worry about running out of renewable energy. That isn't going to happen.

Another very important advantage of using alternative energy is its contribution to environmental well-being. The burning of fossil fuels, a process required in converting them into a consumable energy, pollutes the environment in a non-repairable manner. Global warming, or the warming up of the earth due to enhanced emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, is a very prevalent problem the whole world is facing. And fossil fuels are a major contributor to this environmental concern.

On the other hand, the use of renewable energy does not bring forth an enhanced emission of greenhouse gases because burning is no longer required for their use. Also, alternative energy sources such as wind power, solar power, hydro energy, tidal power, and wave energy are clean and unpolluted. So, aside from not adding to the pollution caused by enhanced greenhouse gases, these types of alternative energy do not contribute to other forms of environmental degradation. Whatever impact the use of renewable energy entails, it is very minimal compared to the consequences of using fossil fuels.

Moreover, the use of alternative energy will benefit the local economy because we will no longer need to import fossil fuels to generate electricity. Since electricity will now be generated locally, it will also mean more job opportunities for the locals.
Using alternative energy can sometimes require substantial capital investment, but in the long run, it will undoubtedly be more cost-efficient for the economy or the investor, especially since the supply is practically free. And more importantly, it will be of the very least cost to the environment.

Ebele Kemery is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group. Based in New York, Ebele is the head of Energy Investing within the Commodities team and is a Commodities Leader with a track record of consistently profitable trading efforts.
To know more about her please visit: http://ebelekemery.freeblog.site/about

Samstag, 8. Oktober 2016

The World Needs Women Entrepreneurs - Ebele Kemery

There is a gradual but steady global shift that will result in women being the inevitable future leaders of our societies. If not, at the very least the current imbalance will be redressed.
On a smaller scale there is also a huge opportunity for any business or organisation that can step out of its limited, "safe" traditions and bring forward a more rounded, holistic and balanced way of doing things. Women and their inherent creativity are uniquely positioned to do this.

But the game of business is a game created by men. That's a procreation thing, governed by genetics. Men regularly used to venture forth and conquer other civilizations, raping and pillaging as they went. They would kill the men and impregnate the women because it was a matter of survival - about fulfillment of their bloodline. That's what they used to do. Now they do it in business.

Men typically do business from a win-lose point of view. From their perspective "For me to win, you have to lose. The 'pie' of business is only so big, and my job is to go and carve out as big a piece of pie as I can."

In contrast the attitude generally taken by women is, "Well here is a pie that's only so big. Why don't we see how we can make that pie go further? Or why not share the pie and enjoy it? Or why don't we work at making another pie - then I can have a pie, and you can have a pie and we'll have more pie." So it's very much about win-win.
Over the last 25 years it's been observed by Ebele Kemery that better business is done by people who are playing win-win.

Men will go to extreme lengths to compete and win while women want a completely different business experience. The critical challenge for women comes when they go out into the world and declare "I want to play win-win in business", and all the men go "Yes, we want to play win-win too!"
But the reality is that the men are still playing win-lose. This will overwhelm every time. This is because if somebody is playing win-lose but telling you that they are playing win-win, as a win-win player you'll trust them. You'll go along with it and be taken advantage of every time.

So what do most women do? Some will play along with the men's rules, but many will start their own businesses. Women can (very slowly) change corporate culture from the inside, or they can change the world by starting their own companies. Becoming an entrepreneur doesn't require any shifts in corporate culture.
For the last century or so, we have been addressing business issues as if they are linear, independent, and containable. Look around the world and you'll find it hard to agree this is true. But if, as Einstein said, the thinking skills that create an issue are not the thinking skills you need to resolve that issue, we need more people with a different perspective on the problem and a new set of skills and abilities.

What is needed in business today is a better grasp of (and comfort with) relationships of all kinds. And this is the kind of thinking and problem solving that is most natural to women as typically:
  • Women are intuitively systems/relationship thinkers;
  • Women seek balance;
  • Women care more about solutions than who gets credit;
  • Women are experts on collaboration;
  • When they are passionate about something, women never give up.

As a result, women entrepreneurs intuitively create businesses that are better for themselves, their families, their employees, their communities, their customers and the world. Women tend to be more holistic about their understanding of their place in the universe. For example, they will operate from a perspective of abundance rather than scarcity, and they appreciate the energy and vibration of their actions in the business (and broader) world. They more readily bring "soul to business" by being more in touch with their spirit and emotions and able to converse openly about them.

Women's measures of success also tend to be much broader. They are by nature, equipped for the Triple Bottom Line challenge. In fact, they assume that's the goal, although they can get sidetracked by the attempt to play a game the rules of which we have established have essentially been created by men.

It is the tendency to create holistic enterprises that make women so effective at entrepreneurship. This is enabled by being able to see an issue from so many angles at once.
On a deeper level, women are interested in other people. They invariably notice things that are outside the awareness of most men. They do the right thing, they treat people well, and they listen to other people.

Women entrepreneurs are great. But not because they're caricatures or stereotypes of some altruistic awesomeness, but rather because they often bring a different set of experiences that are equally valid to what men bring. The more we have of both, the richer everything gets. How could we do without the action and results orientation of men?
And before we over-glorify women, we should recognise that they are just as diverse and varied as men, coming with their own set of issues and idiosyncrasies. Indeed, many women end up being selfish and obnoxious, just as some men are really sensitive and thoughtful.

Not only do we need women entrepreneurs, we need growth oriented women entrepreneurs. Women are starting businesses twice as fast as men. But they are not all growth oriented, employment producing businesses. Many of them end up employing just one person. A transformative and participative leadership style is not enough. For example, women need to learn all the regular business skills necessary such as raising capital to fund growth. Furthermore they need role models of growth oriented women entrepreneurs that are not behaving like Machiavellian males.

Things are continuing to change in the 21st Century with regards to more opportunities for women. But they are still the underdog, which means they'll continue to work harder - to the benefit of all.

Ms. Ebele Kemery a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group and a Portfolio manager is extremely passionate about female education and believes it to be one of the most powerful and effective tools a girl can be given in the fight against poverty, disease and malnutrition. Ebele Kemery hopes that one day she will create a vehicle capable of spreading education to underprivileged girls around the world.
For more details please click here

Dienstag, 27. September 2016

Capital Structure Decision by Ebele Kemery

Capital structure decision refers to the selection of capital variety for running the business. Any business needs money for its operations. In the initial stages, it is the business owners, founders, or entrepreneurs who inject these funds. The business is liable to return these funds to these investors. The capital raised in this way is used for purchasing various assets that are essential for running the business. However, some of the assets such as the land, buildings, plant, and machinery are long lasting assets, while other assets, such as vehicles, and inventory are comparatively short term assets. In other words, the business needs money for varying duration.

Therefore, capital structure decision refers to the process of optimally combining the financing options available to a business. A business' capital structure can be broadly divided into three categories, i.e., common equity, preferred stock, and other debts. Business enterprises usually utilize debt funds for their short term requirements, and opt for long term options such as debentures, preferred stocks, and common equity when they are planning any major expansion or purchase of long lasting assets. Such long term capital options include profits retained by the business as reserves for any impending purchase or expansion. A profit making business finds it easier to raise money by offering common equity, and preferred stocks. Unlike it, a startup may have little choice but to opt for debt route. Interest rates applicable on debt depend upon prevailing market conditions and the risk associated with the business.

Ebele Kemery says that effectively, capital structure decision refers to the meticulous planning of business' funds requirement. While planning such funds requirement, decision makers consider current requirements as well as future requirements. Long term finance options such as common equity and preferred stocks may appear as a cheap way of raising money. However, if this money is raised for short term requirements, then the earnings per share or the EPS comes down. This is because average rate of earning profits on money in the business also come down due to underutilization of these funds. More debts, on the other hand, imply more business risk because debts may crystallize suddenly forcing the business into distress sale.

Consequently, capital structure decision refers to the act of balancing profitability with viability. Borrowing in the market may appear to be an expensive way of financing business activities. However, if the business can earn more profits on borrowed funds than it pays for borrowing them, then such debts are beneficial for the business. Effectively, the business earns profits on others money. This financial process of borrowing money to earn profits is called leveraging. It is a crucial part of any capital structure decision making. There are industrial norms and ratios that indicate acceptable leveraging for any business.

Therefore, capital structure decision refers to the management's ability in selecting the ideal option for raising capital for the business at any point of time. Such decisions have a direct impact on investor's wealth. If EPS comes down, the demand for the business' shares will be lower on stock markets. Consequently, the premiums on these shares will be south bound, and so will investor's wealth. Both long term and short term financing options can have this effect. Long term financing options like common equity and preferred stock may result in ineffective utilization of funds, and consequently lower EPS. Short term financing options like borrowings from banks may lower the profits and EPS due to interest costs.

Ms. Ebele Kemery is a member of the Global Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities (GFICC) Group. Based in New York, Ebele is the head of Energy Investing within the Commodities team. Prior to this role, she provided institutional client relationship management and tailored risk management solutions in the Investment Bank’s Global Commodities Group.
To know more please visit: http://ebelekemery.strikingly.com/

Montag, 19. September 2016

Reasons to Choose Equity Investment: Ebele Kemery

Stock markets and anything related to them tend to be fearsome objects for people. This could explain the wariness of investors where equity investment is concerned. But the fact is that there are some decided advantages of putting your money into equity financing instead of letting it snooze away in a savings bank account or a fixed deposit. This is because, your money would not simply be gathering interest; it would be effectively growing with your investment. The company you have invested grows with time, and with it grows your dividend. The dividend, of course, depends on the growth of the company and the company decides how much the dividend is to be. Another thing you must consider is that the company may very well decide to give further stock to its investors. This is stock that you could either keep or sell off. As this Rights Issue is generally priced below what is the market value, you could easily acquire it for less and sell it for more.

A company might also decide to give away some of its shares for free - called the Bonus Issue - to the shareholders. But this is only when the company might have large reserves. Generally, the very announcement of a Bonus Issue can contribute to rise in share value. If you use it wisely, it could prove to be quite a profit for you. Such bonuses that the company doles out now and again could prove to be lucrative to you. The fact that your investments are highly liquid is another thing you might want to consider as a benefit, especially when you compare it to investments like real estate. Most of your investments would likely give you high returns in the long run, which is what you need to consider. You can also get your investments tailored to suit your own needs, depending on whether it is income or growth that you are looking for.

You need to understand that markets might fluctuate, but companies tend to grow - and this ensures that their share value increases over time. But that doesn't mean that you can blindly invest in any portfolio placed before you. You need to look into the background, do a thorough check of the shares and their value and make sure that it is a sound investment for you. A good deal of the time, it is shoddy research that makes investors lose money. Ebele Kemery suggests that if you're not sure, then opt for equity investment banking services. They'll guide you as to where you can invest.

For more queries you can ask Ms. Ebele Kemery, she has consistently promoted; recognized for development and leadership strengths. Strong analytical approach; full-tuition scholar from top-tier University possessing Bachelors in Engineering in Electrical Engineering
To read more please click here...

Montag, 12. September 2016

Ebele Kemery on Building Up an Equity Portfolio for Investment

Ebele Kemery: It is not sensible to put all your money in one company. It is better to spread it over at least ten companies, which means having at least £10,000 to invest, as it is not economic to put less than, say, £1,000 in any one due to minimum dealing costs.
Consideration should also be given to share sectors. It is risky to have too much invested in one sector.

Many newspaper City pages recommend individual shares to buy or sell but this can push the price up or down before you can react. Information is also available on the Internet. Company reports can be obtained to provide more information.

There are also tip sheets, which recommend individual shares. They are expensive and one wonders whether the tipper keeps the best ideas to him.
Word of mouth can be useful and it is a good idea to watch out for new ideas and successes, such as, for example, a shop which seems to be doing well or a product which you have bought or is recommended by a magazine or TV programme.

Smaller companies
There may be a narrow market in smaller companies' shares, which can make them difficult to buy and (particularly) to sell. Also, smaller companies are more likely to go bust than are larger ones.
However, good smaller companies can be valuable investments as they tend to be cheaper than larger companies, have higher dividend yields and provide a greater potential for capital growth and dividend increase.

Fundamental analysis
This term is used to describe choosing shares by looking at the fundamentals the financial results for recent years, including statistics such as profit and dividend trends, the annual and half yearly reports, recent announcements by the company, share price history, share dealings by directors. In addition, there are the statistics for the sector in which the company's shares sits.

Technical analysis
It is possible to carry out what is called technical analysis, which can be done on a computer using a proprietary system. Graphs of the price of each share can be drawn and you can superimpose on them the relative movement of an appropriate index, short a,nd/or long term averages and stop/loss points.
There is a lot to be said for using both types of analysis rather than only one of them.

International shares
It has become easier to invest directly in shares outside the UK, following the introduction of Jiway, which is a recognised investment exchange under the jurisdiction of the Financial Services Agency. The cost to brokers is set in euros at an amount of less than £5, so their charge to you should not be astronomic.

When to buy and sell
Theoretically you should buy shares when the market starts going up and sell when it turns down but few of us can distinguish a blip from a trend. In any case, individual shares may not move with the market.
There is a great tendency to sell a share, which has fallen in price, particularly if it goes below the purchase price, and to buy more of a share that has risen. This may be the right action but decisions should be based not on the past but on expectations of the future.
Cut losses, but let profits run. However, it can be sensible to sell part of your holding of shares that are showing a good profit, leaving in, say, the equivalent of your original investment, particularly if the shares are highly volatile.

Do not churn (continual dealing) as dealing costs can mount up.
Above all, do not panic when prices fall; take the long view most big market falls (sometimes called corrections) are followed by a fairly quick recovery and what seems a catastrophe at the time later becomes only a small blip on a trend line.

Defensive stocks
Shares in some companies are recognised as defensive, which means they are worth holding in periods of uncertainty.

Examples are:
Stores - people need to live and therefore will buy clothing, food and drink;
Utilities such as electricity, gas, oil and water - likewise there have to be a continuing demand;
Transport such as bus/coach and rail (but perhaps not air) - demand for these will also hold up.

Value investing
This term describes the purchase of cheap, unpopular shares, as opposed to growth investing sectors expected to have considerable growth. Together, the two approaches are called style investing.
Suitable shares for value investing are considered to be those with high cashfiow, dividends and earnings yields, and high ratios of sales and book value to share price.
Over the very long run, value shares appear to outperform growth shares, possibly because of the greater volatility of the latter (the tortoise and hare phenomenon!)

There are various ways of protecting your shares from an expected fall in the share price (or in the market as a whole) without actually selling them. They also have the advantage of locking in a profit but deferring a potential capital gain.
All use the techniques of 'going short' selling something you have not got, which can be very risky on its own, but because you do hold the shares the high risk is removed.

Ebele Kemery has a decade of experience in Finance, Investment Management, Sales, Trading and Commodities. She is a full-tuition scholar from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art where she earned a Bachelors of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, with a focus in Electronics. Ms. Kemery posseses skills in Equities Portfolio Management, Hedge Funds Investments and much more...

To know more please visit: https://ebelekemeryblog.wordpress.com/

Dienstag, 6. September 2016

Ebele Kemery - Project Portfolio Management

Project portfolio management is the art of applying management skills, techniques, and tools to a group of projects with the purpose of meeting the financial goals of organizations. It usually employs a structured approach. Project portfolio management is often regarded as the next generation of project management. It is an integrated system that views business as a set of projects.

Project portfolio management has numerous benefits. It is possible to review and alter programs accordingly as situations change. The central part of project portfolio management is selection of the right project. There are mainly five levels in the project portfolio management process. The first level is to organize projects into discrete units and analyze cost and other necessary resources. The next level is to take decisions that would help achieve the goals. At the third level, metrics, tools, and models are developed and the cost of the project is estimated. The fourth level does the optimization of the project. The final level is attained when the company has made project portfolio management a core competency.

Project portfolio management allows executives to review portfolios, spot redundancies, spread resources in an appropriate manner, and adjust projects to get return as high as possible. There are three main reasons to adopt project portfolio management - its realistic nature, rationality, and visibility. Project portfolio management is based on reality and it encourages a company to build a project inventory baseline. Resources available and targets to be achieved are realistically balanced. Project portfolio management is fact-based as it allocates resources such as time, equipment, and personnel based on information available. Project portfolio management is observable too. It employs several tools to view progress made at various levels and the amount of resources used.

Ebele Kemery is a Portfolio manager - Head of Energy Investing at JPMorgan Asset Management with proven track record of robust and consistent profitable returns in commodities. Increased assets under management through strong performance and development of customized solutions that leverage a wide variety of market techniques. Consistently promoted; recognized for trading and leadership strengths. Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Global Commodities Applied Research Digest, and full tuition scholar from Top tier University possessing a Bachelors of Engineering in Electrical Engineering.

Ms. Ebele Kemery has a decade of experience in Finance, Investment Management, Sales, Trading and Commodities. She is a full-tuition scholar from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art where she earned a Bachelors of Engineering in Electrical Engineering, with a focus in Electronics.

Main Skills:-

  • Commodity Markets
  • Oil & Gas Industry
  • Trading Sales Originations
  • Financial Structuring
  • Relationship Management
  • Petroleum Commodity Investment
  • Banking FX Options
  • Strategy Risk Management
  • Hedging Derivatives Management
  • Equities Portfolio Management
  • Hedge Funds Investments

To know more please visit: http://ebelekemery.tumblr.com/